2020 started out strong with some good results and a lot of training, I was off to a good start. In March of 2020 my rib started hurting. It is quite common to have rib injuries for rowers as it is the first part of the body that gives in when it is too tiered to go on.
Covid hit us shortly after and the season was put on hold. it was the perfect moment for me to get back on track and train hard while at home. Thankfully I had a great setup while quarantined.
In the summer of 2020 the European championships were confirmed and I was selected in the quad. Due to complications, at the last moment our stroke woman stepped out and the replacement stepped in to the boat. With only a few weeks of training we went to the European championships and came in just short of a medal in 4th place.
We had a vey hard time acceptating this result but it fulled our race an made for a beautiful result the next year...